南非世界杯主题曲音译 南非世界杯主题曲叫什么

时间:2024-10-19 02:15点击:137582次

南非世界杯主题曲wavin' flag 旗帜飘扬 

when I get older 当我逐渐成长 I will be stronger 我会变得坚强 they'll call me freedom 人们唤我以自由之名 just like a wavin flag 有如旗帜迎风飘扬 when I get older 当我逐渐成长 I will be stronger 我会变得坚强 they'll call me freedom 人们唤我以自由之名 just like a wavin flag 有如旗帜迎风飘扬 and then it goes back 让一切重头开始 and then it goes back 让一切重头开始 and then it goes back 让一切重头开始 ahhho ahhho ahhho ... ... ... born to a throne 我们生来自豪 stronger than rome 高贵不输罗马 but violent prone 可暴力俯拾皆是 poor people zone 穷人四处流离 but its my home 这是我的家乡 all I have known 这是我所知的一切 where I got grown 这是我成长的地方 streets we would roam 这是我徜徉的大街 out of the darkness 穿过层层黑暗 I came the farthest 我来到遥远的彼方 among the hardest survive 在困苦中挣扎 learn form these streets 在街头艰难求生 it can be bleak 前方遍布阴霾 accept no defeat 可我决不言败 surrender retreat 也不向挫折乞降 (so we struggling) (我们仍在奋斗) fighting to eat 为生计而奔波 (and we wondering)